
asl plz ==> age sex location please 請問你的年齡 性別 所在位置?

m\f ==> male or female? 男女? 

25m india ==> 25 years old male from India 25 歲男生 位於印度

ur asl ==> Your Age, Sex and Location?? 你的年齡 性別 所在位置


其他 專有用語

143 --> love ya! 

2 --> to/too 2night--> tonight

4 --> for 

86 --> to desert/to leave 

afaik ->as far as I know 

afk-> away from the keyboard 

aka ->also known as 

a/s/l-> age/sex/location 

awy-> away

b4 ->before 

b/c-> because 

bb ->buh-bye 

bbiaf-> be back in a few 

bbl ->be back later 

bbs ->be back soon 

bcnu ->be seeing you 

b/f ->boyfriend 

bfn ->bye for now 

bl ->buddy list 

boma-> bored off my a** 

bout-> about 

brb ->be right back 

btw ->by the way 

c ->see 

ctn ->can't talk now 

cu ->see you 

cul8r ->see you later 

cuz ->cause -> because

cy or cya-> see ya! 

cya ->cover your a** 

fyi ->for your information 

g-> gee 

*g*-> grin or giggle 

g2g or gtg --> got to go 

g2ts ->go to this site 

g/f ->girlfriend 

gfu ->good for you 

gli ->gotta love it 

hb -< hurry back 

idc-> I don't care 

idk ->I don't know 

ily ->i love you 

j/c ->just chillin' 

j/j ->just joking/just jokes 

j/k ->just kidding 

j/p ->just playin 

k--> ok

l8r ->later 

l8r g8r-> later gator 

*L* ->laugh 

lal -> laugh a lot 

lmao -> laughing my a** off 

lmfao -> laughing my friggin' a** off 

lmk -> let me know 

lol -->laughing out loud or lots of luck 

no--> no problem

omg--> oh my god

otp--> on the phone

plz--> please

sry--> sorry

thx--> thanks

    創作者 Imp 的頭像

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